Find A Therapist Near Me

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why You May Be Searching For A “Psychotherapist Near Me.”

Your search for a “therapist near me" is often driven by a desire for in-person rather than remote therapy. Here are the common reasons:

  • Confidentiality. You will share things with your therapist that you may not want anyone else to know. These are your secrets. This is your own private story. You don’t want to worry about the failure of technology to keep your conversation private. If you are connecting remotely through video-conference you may be worried about someone in the next room overhearing or eavesdropping.

  • Intimacy of Physical Space. When you are sharing your personal story, it is helpful to do so in a safe comfortable space. We enjoy being in the same room, breathing the same air, and seeing each other in the same physical space. Thus, in-office sessions provides an intimacy that is important for some people.

  • Meeting Someone Familiar with Where You Live. Your problems, how you got to where you are, and your approach to life are often closely linked to the area where you live and breath. You want to be assured that the person you are meeting with fully understands you, not just the words you say, but also where you are coming from.

three Reasons You may Prefer video Therapy.

  • Secure and Reliable. Advances in regulations and technology have made internet connections fast, reliable, and private. Most of us own a smartphone or computer with a internet connection that provides a clear video image and great audio quality. Thus, when you find a quiet private place, you can be assured that video-therapy provides a safe and surprisingly intimate place to work through your issues.

  • Easy Access to the Right Therapist. The beauty of video-therapy is that you can connect with someone who works specifically in your area of struggle. They may not live just down the street or on the other side of town. But they know the in-and-outs of every aspect of your issue. They have seen it before. They know how to approach it and how to help you move forward. This reason alone often tips the scale in favor of engaging video therapy. If the therapist with expertise about your issue is only available by video conference, you don’t want to miss out on the chance to work with them.

  • Convenience. Traveling to therapy can be inconvenient, expensive, and time-consuming. Remote video therapy allows scheduling convenient meeting times and does not require travel. If you're able to find a therapist who offers video conference therapy, you'll be able to meet from the comfort of your own home or workplace at a time that works for you. Video therapy provides access to a wider range of experts with more convenient time slots (e.g., evenings, weekends) and removes the hassle of time and travel to reach your therapist.

What to look for in a Therapist?

  • Qualified to Address Your Specific Concerns. Your therapist should have a background of education, training, and supervision relevant to your presenting concerns. As an extreme example, you don’t want an industrial-organizational psychologist when in fact your issues require a marriage and family therapist.

  • A Connection and Focus in Therapy. Once you have begun your sessions, you should feel some comfort in therapy. Things to ask yourself in therapy:

    • Did I feel heard, understood, and respected?

    • Did we discuss what I wanted to work on/talk about?

    • Was the therapist’s approach in session is a good fit for me?

    It is important to find a therapist who can help you address your mental and emotional issues in a way that works for you.

  • Able to Legally Practice in Your Area. You should be looking for a therapist that is permitted to practice in the area you live. For example, in Ontario, Canada, the practice of psychotherapy is regulated. Thus, your therapist should be registered in Ontario. If your therapist is not permitted to practice in your area, you lose assurances and protections, including:

    • a therapist’s obligation to follow professional and ethical standards,

    • a regulatory body vetting your therapist’s qualifications, and

    • a formal complaint process.

Looking for a “therapist near me”?

Do you really want to bump into your therapist at the grocery store? Keep these things in mind in your search for "psychotherapist near me" or "find a psychologist."

The best way to get started is to click the Get Started Now button to complete and send the form. Our Intake Coordinator will answer your questions and match you with one of our therapists. Email certainly works - but if you include your phone number on the form - it is easier to answer all of your questions, quickly match you with your therapist, and book your first session

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  • With Video Therapy - You Can Connect No Matter Where You Are!

  • Our Therapists - Adhere to Canadian Provincial and Territorial Regulations.

  • We Serve - All Across Canada (except PEI).

  • Reach Out Now - Our Intake Coordinator will answer your questions and match you with your therapist.