Are Services Confidential?

We will protect your personal health information

You can trust your therapist to keep confidential the information that is disclosed in session.

Your personal health information will not be disclosed to others without your consent, unless required by law (e.g., child protection, health professional sexual abuse, court order) or ethical/professional standards (e.g., risk of serious bodily harm).

These are the limits of confidentiality:

HARM - If your therapist has reason to believe you are in danger of harming yourself or that you may harm another person, your therapist may contact your listed emergency contact, emergency services, or the police, and attempt to warn that other person of your intentions.

CHILDREN AND THE ELDERLY - If your therapist has reason to believe a) a minor (under age 18) needs protection due to neglect, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse caused by yourself or another person, your therapist must inform Children’s Aid Society (CAS); or b) an elderly person has, is, or may be in danger of neglect or abuse, your therapist will contact emergency services or the police.

LEGAL AND PROFESSIONAL - Your therapist must comply with court orders for records. Your therapist has a duty to report when a regulated health professional has sexually abused a patient. Your therapist will consult with a supervisor or colleague when required for training and to improve treatment, and your therapist will comply with any regulatory requirement for a practice audit.

Concerning insurance benefits:

If you are asking an insurance company to pay for psychotherapy or other benefits - your insurance company may ask for a copy of your health records or ask for verification of services provided. Your insurer reserves the right to examine documents related to any claim to administer eligible benefits and services.

Our Therapists Are Ready To Help

  • With Video Therapy - You Can Connect No Matter Where You Are!

  • Our Therapists - Adhere to Canadian Provincial and Territorial Regulations.

  • We Serve - All Across Canada (except PEI).

  • Reach out now - Our Intake Coordinator will answer your questions and match you with your therapist.